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ZAO IF MAGMA - a Russian company whose main activity is to create fundamentally new technological solutions to energy and environmental problems in our country

IF "MAGMA" carries out its activity using the results of long development and experimental-industrial works, at the same time expanding the boundaries of conducted research.

Employees of the company are proud of the established traditions and have a significant contribution to research in the technique of destruction of soils and rocks, which are in different physiological state by combined, mechanical and other methods.

V.I. Minaev is a professor, has the title of the Honored inventor of Russia, as well as a doctor of technical sciences. Exactly under his supervision scientific bases of production of the newest pipeline technologies and special machines promoting their realization which have been successfully used in formation of a new direction of a science have embodied in a reality, and then have found the embodiment within the limits of work of firm "Magma". Exactly the given company in the first in Russia has been developed and put into operation the progressive way of erection of crossings of pipelines under the rivers by means of correctly directed drilling. With the help of this equipment 4 experimental and a great number of crossings under the Setun, Moscow, Nara rivers were designed and manufactured.

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