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TechBionics Ltd. is a resident of the Skolkovo Innovation Centre and is developing a bionic hand prosthesis called SmartLi.

The company "TechBionics", located in Veliky Novgorod, operates in the field of prosthetics. And it is doing so very successfully. Thus, at the moment it has several unique solutions in this field: hand prostheses, fingers and exoskeletons. The main difference between the hand prosthesis offered by TechBionics and other similar solutions available on the market is that it consists of modules. This concept is based on original solutions. Thanks to the modular component, the prosthesis can be fitted to a wide variety of people - the prosthesis can be fitted in place of the entire arm or only a part of it. It is often the case that a person does not lose the entire arm, but only a part of it. In this case, the person may have several fingers or a part of the hand.

However, the market for bionic prostheses did not take such things into account before TechBionics appeared on it. The device developed by the company can take the place of the lost part of the hand and not only restore its functions, but also act together with the remaining parts. But what is most interesting: this prosthesis, despite all its innovation, turns out to be even cheaper than traditional solutions. Its cost is fully within the scope of state compensation, which in turn means that Russian citizens will be able to receive it for free. For example, while Western prostheses can cost between ten and forty thousand dollars, TechBionics' prosthesis will cost only three thousand.

This low cost is primarily due to the unification of the modules that will comprise the prosthesis. So, for example, for manufacturing of the majority of details any individual decisions whether it be 3D-press or anything else are not required. Also it was possible to save and at the expense of reconsideration of the concept of the mechanism of a drive of bionic fingers. And the decision chosen by the company, according to the developer, does not concede in terms of functionality to the western analogues. An interesting fact is also that the prosthesis "TechBionics" is entirely domestic, as all the modules are made directly in our country. To date, the project has already secured the support of several partners, including the Skolkovo Innovation Centre.

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