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The company was founded in 2010 to develop a medical diagnostic device for blood coagulation system.

Coagulation disorders are clinically manifested by bleeding or thrombosis. The consequences of thrombosis, in turn, consistently occupy the top positions in the world statistics of causes of death. Thrombodynamics clearly identifies blood clotting disorders in a wide range of pathologies and is highly sensitive to anticoagulants, being a convenient tool to assess the effectiveness and safety of anticoagulant therapy (prevention). This allows for early diagnosis and prevention of dangerous conditions, which is very important for preventive medicine and the selection of personalized therapy.

The result of the company's work is the diagnostic system "Thrombodynamics Recorder T-2", which implements a new method of diagnostics of blood clotting system disorders - Thrombodynamics. Design and ergonomics of the device were evaluated at the prestigious European competition of industrial design - RedDotDesignAwards 2013.

HemaCore has a license for the production and maintenance of medical equipment and the Registration Certificate of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Healthcare (Roszdravnadzor) No. FSR 2012/13248 issued for the System by the diagnostic laboratory "Registrar of Thrombodynamics". The research is carried out by HemaCore Labs with grant support from the Skolkovo Foundation.

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