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Bychkov defined the publishing house entering the international markets as one of the most important priorities of the company development. And here we are talking not only about the export of books to neighboring countries or to countries with an extensive Russian-speaking diaspora, but also about the development of the market of buying and selling the rights to publish books.

Bychkov has a rich experience of work in international markets: in his past places of work he opened representative offices in China, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Brazil, analyzed the possibility of opening branches in Uzbekistan and Arab Emirates, changed the scheme of work of representative office in Kazakhstan. And now his experience successfully and fruitfully complements the highest qualification in publishing Elena Bychkova (General Director) , who created the publishing house Boslen, and successfully manages it since 2002. Prior to that Bychkova headed the production department of the legendary publishing house Vagrius.

The publishing house's team consists of young like-minded people, thanks to whom Boslen company is widely known in professional circles, in the museum community, about which it is written in online and traditional press. The publishing house's books receive professional and readers' awards, and they can be purchased all over Russia.

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