Made in Russia

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He is a Master of Science in a joint program of Moscow State Institute of International Relations and the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Science Po), as well as a graduate of Skolkovo business school.

Pesin is an expert in the development of high-tech and innovative products at the intersection of hardware and software.

In addition, he has many years of experience working in international markets.

The company Aimoto Medical Alert has become the first organization in Russia, offering devices and services for emergency call for the elderly and children.

Today the company has more than 500 thousand users in all regions of Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Belarus and a modern IT platform to serve users anywhere in the world.

The company has implemented a line of devices for different user groups: pre-school and school children, the elderly and people with disabilities.

Sales of the company are about 200 thousand devices per year. Since 2015, the company's revenue has increased five times and by the end of 2019 amounted to more than 200 million rubles.

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